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Oluwatomiwa (Tommy) Osin

Osin is from Lagos, Nigeria. He has a B.Sc. in Industrial Chemistry from Redeemer’s University, Nigeria, in 2014 and an M.Sc. in Environmental Science from Tongji University, China, in 2018. His M.Sc. under Prof Lin Sijie was on novel nano-TiO2 photocatalysts and the development of toxicity assays. He is currently rounding off his Ph.D. program under the supervision of Prof Shimizu. Osin is presently optimizing materials that extract vanadium facilely and selectively from oil sands tailings.

Oluwatomiwa (Tommy) Osin

Prof. George Shimizu

Department of Chemistry

University of Calgary

Calgary, Alberta

T2N1N4 Canada

Ph: 1 403 220 5347

2023 - Shimizu Research Group

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